Wednesday, January 13, 2010

SEPARATING THE HYPE AND THE BUZZ - Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Magnetic Ferropaper
Researchers at Purdue University have developed a magnetic “ferropaper” that can be used to make micromotors, tweezers to study cells, and miniature speakers. The process involves impregnating paper with a fluid containing mineral oil and magnetic nanoparticles of iron oxide. The paper is then coated with a biocompatible plastic film. This prevents the fluid from evaporating, improves its mechanical properties, and makes it water resistant. See AtoZ Nano, First Science, Nanotech Wire, and Nanowerk.

Paper and Carbon nanotubes to detect toxins
Engineers at the University of Michigan developed a strip of paper containing carbon nanotubes to detect toxins in drinking water. This sensor works by measuring the electrical conductivity of these nanotubes which are coated with antibodies of microcystin-LR (MC-LR). When the paper is introduced into water contaminated with MC-LR, the antibodies squeeze in between the nanotubes, altering the overall electrical conductivity of the sensor. See AtoZ Nano, Nanotech Wire, Nanowerk, and Nano Letters.

Nano “cocktail”
A group of researchers from UC San Diego, MIT and UC Santa Barbara have developed a “cocktail” of nanomaterials that can locate, adhere, and kill tumors. Gold nanorod would track and adhere to tumor cells and iron oxide nanoworms or doxorubicin-loaded liposomes would kill those tumors. See AtoZ Nano and First Science.

Biodegradable nanoparticles
Researchers from the John Hopkins University developed biodegradable nanoparticles that can easily penetrate through body’s mucus/sticky fluids or secretions. The biodegradable nanoparticles travelled through the mucus of cystic fibers faster than usual. This research could lead to improvements in drug delivery and could aid in treating eye, lung, gut, or female reproductive tract diseases. See AtoZ Nano, First Science, Nanotech Wire, Nanowerk, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


“DNA Origami”
Scientists from UC San Diego have found the solution to engineer the orientation and placement of nanomaterials. By using “rationally designed synthetic DNA nanostructures” they were able to achieve control of nanomaterials at a level of 5 and 100 nanometers, which was unattainable through self-assembled structures or lithographic patterns. See AtoZ Nano, Nanotech Wire, and Nature Nanotechnology.

Nanoscale Golden ratio
Researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB), Oxford University, Bristol University, and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, found the famous golden ratio to be true even at the nano-level. Cobalt niobate was the material used and magnetic field was applied perpendicularly to the aligned spin to transform the magnetic chain to the quantum critical state. Tension was built due to interactions among the spins resulting in magnetic resonance. The frequencies of the first two resonant notes were in ratio of 1.618, which is the golden ratio. See First Science, Nanotech Wire, Nanowerk, and Science.

Molecular machines
University of Glasgow researchers have images of nanoparticle self-assembly that could aid in building molecular machines. Researchers at Glasgow, along with colleagues at the University of Bielefeld, Germany conducted an experiment with a flow reactor system for assembly of nanoparticles in dynamic conditions which allowed them to witness molecular self-assembly. See Nanowerk and Science.

Scientists at Texas reported the development of a “nanodragster,” an improvement in molecular machines. This vehicle has a small front end axle, wheels made from special materials for easy roll, and a longer rear axle made from buckyballs for strong surface grip. See AtoZ Nano, Nanotech Web, Nanotech Wire, Nanowerk, and Organic letters.